How to sell your wedding ring on Craigslist or Ebay
I am selling my old wedding ring set on Craigslist. I made a simple posting, with excellent pictures and I thought I would show you how to create your own.
- Take great pictures.
Vintage Oval Diamond Ring Engagement Set Solitaire 14k plus Wrap Women Personally, this has been the most helpful tip for selling any item, whether it is on Ebay, Craigslist or any other site you prefer. Use goodlighting, don’t count on your camera’s flash to make your product look good. Turn the flash off, set your lighting and take the picture. Using the macro mode (flower) setting on your camera if you can’t get a good focus on the jewelry.
- Make a good headline. This is what people look at first so naturally it has to be eye catching but you need to consider keywords as well. Sometimes my headings don’t read like a sentence but they are search friendly. For this listing, my title is: Vintage Oval Diamond Ring Engagement Set Solitaire 14k plus Wrap Women.
- Create a thorough description. Unless you want everyone and their mother calling you for small details, make sure you include everything you can in your description. This will weed out possible indecisive buyers.
- Do your keyword research.
Magnifying Glass Icon I am currently adding keywords to the bottom of my post on Craigslist in order to get better search results. If you are selling an engagement ring set, feel free to use the keywords at the bottom of this post to help maximize your search results.
- Respond to any inquiries. This is my least favorite part of it but you want to give each person attention and they will be more likely to buy your item. Respond to e-mails and calls in a timely fashion.
- Enjoy the rewards. The more people that your listing reaches, the more likely you will be to actually obtain your asking price!
Keywords for selling wedding ring set on Craigslist and/or Ebay: wedding ring sets, wedding rings sets, wedding ring sets for women, wedding ring settings, wedding rings set, wedding rings sets for women, wedding set rings, womens wedding ring sets, wedding ring set for women, wedding ring sets under 500, wedding sets rings, wedding rings, wedding rings for women, engagement and wedding ring sets, engagement wedding ring sets, wedding and engagement ring sets, engagement wedding ring set, engagement and wedding ring set, engagement and wedding rings sets, engagement & wedding ring sets, engagement wedding rings sets, engagement and wedding rings set, wedding engagement rings, engagement ring wedding ring set, engagement ring and wedding ring set, engagement and wedding rings, wedding and engagement rings, engagement wedding rings, diamond wedding ring sets, diamond wedding ring set, diamond wedding rings sets, diamond wedding rings, diamond wedding ring, diamond wedding rings for women, wedding diamond rings, diamond wedding rings set, cheap diamond wedding ring sets, diamond set wedding rings, wedding rings diamond, diamond wedding ring sets for women, white gold wedding ring sets, gold wedding ring sets, gold wedding rings sets, white gold wedding rings, gold wedding rings, white gold wedding rings sets, yellow gold wedding ring sets, gold wedding ring set, wedding ring sets white gold, wedding rings white gold, gold wedding ring, wedding ring sets gold, white gold wedding ring set, wedding rings gold.
Please tell me how i can sell my wedding rings on craigslist
Hi there, great article. I have a question though. I’m getting married in a few months. I guess the coronavirus is spreading fast though. Do you think I should postpone the wedding until the Coronavirus has run it’s course?